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10 things that can ruin your car's paint

September 09, 20225 min read

You’ve bought a new car recently but are troubled by its losing sheen. You don’t know what is happening to cause such extensive corrosion of its coat. Like a petulant child seeking attention, a car will need the same regard as a child would if you don’t want to spoil them both.

It’s not only by accident that a car can get damaged. Outer elements can also corrode or ruin your car’s exterior. But with a little effort, you could maintain that glistening coat of your car for a long time. Below are the reasons which cause pain erosion & the preventative measures that you can take.

1. Blotchiness Caused By Tree Sap

Don’t park your car near trees. Because the oozing sap from the tree can cause the car paint to go blotchy. Furthermore, the sap will solidify and it will be quite tough to remove it.

2. Damage By Bird Excretion

There is another downside of parking your car in an open area or near trees. A soaring bird can ruin your car coat with its droppings. As they are acidic, they can cause damage to your car’s paint. Better to clean it when the bird poo is still wet with a soft towel and mild detergent.

3. Washing With Rough & Dirty Towels

While you are cleaning your car off stains and bird poo, take caution to not use rough or dirty rags for washing. The rough surface of the washcloth can cause abrasion or scratches on the paint which will become noticeable after some time. Always use a microfiber towel to clean your car.

4. Fuel & Gas

Whenever you top up your gas or fuel tank take care that the liquid doesn’t splash over your car. It will result in a stain over the surface. However, even after much caution, if it still happens accidentally, then clean the exterior of your vehicle immediately.

5. Piling Up of Dust

Has it been more than two weeks that you’ve washed your car? Then it’s time to give it a thorough cleaning. It’s the general rule to wash your car after every two weeks. But if you live in an area where dust storms are a common occurrence, then you should clean it as soon as you see the thick layer of dust settling over your vehicle’s exterior.

6. Insects or Flying Bugs

Do you know that insects & flying bugs secrete extremely acidic fluids? If they linger on your car’s surface for more time they can corrode the pain after some time. You can place a protective shield on your car front to deflect the bugs as a preventative measure. If the bugs left any kind of residual fluid on the paint you can use oil or a clean soapy cloth to remove it.

7. Driving On Gravel

Driving on a particularly bumpy road can lead to a ruined exterior of your car. Try to find a better stretch of road to drive on. However, if you cannot avoid the gravelly road and the sharp stones cause scratches on the paint, then tend to them as soon as possible.

8. Damage From UV Rays

Too much exposure of your car to the sun will lead to a gradual fading of the paint. If you are parking your car in a particularly sunny area then it is better to move it under a shade or garage to avoid damage.

9.Food & Beverages

Food and certain oily concoctions will soil your vehicle and the combination of beverages with your car paint will erode it faster than you would think. Keep your food and drinks away from the car to avoid any spilling.

10. Salt Accumulation

Do you visit the coastal areas more often or live nearby ones? If you do then keep in mind that salt can accumulate faster on your car’s surface than any dust would. Even the salty air would cause your car to go rusty. Washing it after every week or after visiting the coast will help retain the paint for a longer duration.

Need Help To Restore Your Auto Paint?

Sometimes it's not in our hands to prevent the ruination of our vehicle's exterior. You can’t take care of everything all the time. No matter how good the quality of your car’s coat is, all kinds of paints can fade after time. Just like a spoiled child needs coaching to fix their manners a car’s paint would also need to be restored. Only washing your car won’t help you if the paint is fading away. You’ll need to polish it as well to return its sheen.

Unfortunately, many auto paint restoration companies use premixed paints which won’t match with the prior color on your car. In that case, your next step should be to contact a trustworthy auto paint repair shop nearby you. If you are living in or near Massachusetts then our JK Auto Body shop is at your service. We are equipped with a computerized paint-matching and mixing system which will pinpoint the exact color that is needed to restore your vehicle's paint.

Furthermore, we have a team of experienced professionals who will use Spies Hecker to restore paint. It is the most trustworthy brand to be used for all kinds of foreign and domestic vehicles. So, if you need your car paint restored kindly book an appointment on 508-500-8526.

We know that some of you would have a hectic schedule and wouldn’t be able to drop your car at an auto repair shop. But we assure you that our services also include picking up your car and then dropping it back after restoration. If you want to drop your car by yourself then our location is 63 E Main St, Webster, MA 01570, USA.

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JK Auto Body & Glass

JK is a local Worcester County auto body, collision, glass and paint expert located in Webster, Massachusetts on Main Street.

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